Category: Traffic

  • Growth Data Inconsistent

    Growth Data Inconsistent

    Transport for NSW say that traffic movement across the Richmond Bridge will increase by 44% from 2019 to 2046. Sydney Water project that the population growth in the Upper Hawkesbury and Richmond will increase by 70% over the next 30 years. We’ve gathered data from the NSW Government’s own Department of Planning and Environment Website…

  • Traffic Modelling Mistakes

    Traffic Modelling Mistakes

    In August 2021 Transport for NSW released its Community Update for the Richmond Bridge Traffic Improvement Project which provide a breakdown of traffic movements in 2026. The data presented has wrong. In 2026, 40,300 daily vehicle movements will come and go from the from the Northern Side of the Hawkesbury River to the Southern Side.…

  • North Richmond Traffic Backflip

    North Richmond Traffic Backflip

    The NSW State Governments position in 2019 was to take the traffic flow out of North Richmond now they are putting it back in there.